Sunday Collections at UUCR
Share the Plate for February 16th
This week, we welcome Rockville HELP to our Share The Plate program. Organized in 1968 by members of the Rockville faith community, Rockville HELP’s volunteers are on duty seven days a week to deliver food, emergency financial assistance and resource referrals to Rockville residents who find themselves in sudden and unexpected need. Currently, about 40 dedicated volunteers work to execute Rockville HELP’s mission, some of whom have filled their roles for more than 30 years.
Rockville HELP focuses its efforts exclusively on needs arising within the boundaries of Rockville, and as such is a direct neighbor-to-neighbor program with no intermediaries and little if any organizational overhead. Contributions to the organization reliably are committed to providing nutritional and short-term financial relief to individuals and families right here in our own community.
A unique feature of Rockville HELP is that despite its decades-long legacy, the only physical facility that it maintains is its food storage and sorting rooms. Rockville HELP volunteers work from their homes, using their own phones and vehicles to provide emergency services to their clients. Some volunteers give just a few hours a month, while others are on call for a week or longer, but all are committed to the network approach to emergency assistance that is Rockville HELP’s service model. As you are willing and able, please give generously to support Rockville HELP’s mission.
Collage Item Collection
All congregants of all ages! To honor our Soul Matters Themes throughout this year, we have an exciting art project underway! We will be creating collaborative collages that represent what the Soul Matters themes mean to all of us! We would love for everyone, friends and members, young and young-at-heart, to participate in this project!
What we are asking of you
What we need to begin is items to collage. These can be magazine clippings, newspaper clippings, copies of photographs, articles - any flat words or imagery that YOU connect with each month's theme.
How can you participate?
We will have a basket in the Corridor each Sunday that is labeled "Soul Matters Collage Donations" - please bring those items that represent the monthly theme to you to drop into the basket. You are more than welcome to bring more than one! Each month the theme will change, and we'd love your participation throughout the year.
The theme for February is: Inclusion
If you'd like more information, please contact Lara Klopp.
First Sunday Food Drive
Help support UUCR's program to reduce food insecurity in Montgomery County by bringing canned food items on March 2nd for our monthly food drive for Manna Food Center!
Please bring one or more non-perishable foods that we'll donate to Manna Food Center for local distribution. Any and all donations are valued and welcome (no glass containers, please). Collection bins are in UUCR's lobby off the courtyard entrance and outside the sanctuary doors.
Thousands of families in Montgomery County don't have enough food to eat and turn to food pantries for support. Our local pantries are struggling to keep up with the rising demand and need community support. Let's all pitch in and help as we can! Thank you!