Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville
For over 60 years, individuals and families have gathered at UUCR, finding a place where spiritual, emotional, social, and intellectual needs are met and opportunities to serve are found. We are a vibrant, aspirational and stimulating community with many programs, events, and spiritual partnerships that are making UUCR the place it is.
Want to explore and learn more about UUCR? Read our Inside UUCR document to learn and explore with other congregants, ministers, lay ministers, and our highly qualified staff. We have a more detailed version of UUCRs history on the 'Our History' page. Questions? Contact Adrian Graham, our Director of Congregational Engagement!
Members and friends already engaged with UUCR will want to be regular readers of the UUCR E-News and Quest publications. Not on our email list? Sign up below. Questions? Contact Chloe Ockey, Director of Communications.
In all that we do at UUCR, we are guided by our community Values:
Lifelong Spiritual Discovery;
A Beloved Community; and
A Just World.
And we actualize our values with our Mission: To Practice Courageous Love.