Order of Service

Prelude - Justin Furnia (Piano)

Welcome - Joan Keith, Worship Associate

Sign our Virtual Guest Book here


Love is the spirit of this congregation and service its law. 

This is our great covenant - to dwell together in peace, 

to seek the truth in love and to help one another. 

Gathering Hymn - Congregation and Justin Furnia, Piano

#188 "Come, Come, Whoever You Are"

Call to Worship - Rev. Dr. Rebekah A. Savage, Settled Minister

Chalice Lighting - Vieira Family

We are Unitarian Universalists, 

With minds that think, (fingers to forehead) 

Hearts that love, (cross hands over heart)

And hands that are ready to serve. (hands out, palms up)

Song of Community - Congregation and Justin Furnia (Piano)

Here Together

Youth Sharing - Violet Earp

Hymn- Congregation and Justin Furnia (Piano)

#1030 "Siyahamba" (in Zulu and English) 

Greetings & Announcements - Mark Shannon, Board Vice President and Sue Hedges, Grounds Committee

Musical Interlude - The Beth Ami Shabbatones and Bonfire

"Pack 493 Camping Song" by Miguel Vieira and Jack Kwait-Blank

"Love and Help" Badge Awards - Joan Keith

Centering Reading - Rev. Dr. Rebekah A. Savage

Musical Response  - Justin Furnia, Piano

Invitation to Offering - Joan Keith

Manna Food Center

The Manna Food Center, our Share The Plate Partner this week, is well known to all of us here at UUCR through the collection bins that are kept and open at the main doors.  Opened in 1983, the Manna Center’s mission is nothing less than the elimination of hunger in Montgomery County through food distributions, education and advocacy.  From humble beginnings in a vacant elementary school with a single $3,000 donation, Manna Center’s current base in Gaithersburg last year served more than 50,000 County community members and distributed over 4.6 million pounds of quality food.

In addition to the direct food collection and distribution services that we at UUCR know, Manna’s programs include a mobile kitchen and pop-up pantry, a “food for families” initiative that picks up donations from grocery stores and farmers markets for sorting and packaging for families, a farm-to-food bank program that directly links fresh farm produce, meats and eggs with community clients, and school-based nutrition education and food access programs.

Central to Manna’s theory of change is the idea that no one agency or organization can end hunger alone.  Manna therefore has built a support network that now includes more than 350 different organizations, including government agencies, corporations, faith-based associations and congregations, non-profit groups, schools, doctors and employee assistance programs.  Over the past year, volunteers donated more than 33,500 hours of their time, the equivalent of 16 full-time employees.

Ever-increasing community support has allowed Manna to try and effectively meet the ever-increasing nutritional need throughout Montgomery County.  As you are willing and able, please join this movement with a generous contribution to the Manna Food Center.  


Online giving options include:  Realm or Paypal, at https://uucr.org/give;

Or you may mail a check to UUCR at 100 Welsh Park Dr, Rockville MD, 20850  

Offertory Anthem - The Temple Beth Ami Shabbatones and Bonfire

“Nice Dream” by Radiohead

Appreciations - Joan & Brent Keith, Jack Kwait-Blank

Closing Song - Congregation, The Temple Beth Ami Shabbatones, and Bonfire

"I Have A Voice" by Elana Arian

Closing Thoughts and Chalice Extinguishing - Rev. Dr. Rebekah A. Savage

Postlude #1014 - Congregation and Justin Furnia on Piano

"Answering the Call of Love" 


#188 Come, Come, Whoever You Are

Come, Come, Whoever you are

Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving

Ours is no caravan of despair

Come, yet again, come.

Ven, ven, cual eres ven,

Nómada en búsqueda si amas la vida

La nuestras la caravana de amor.

Ven otra vez ven,

Here Together

We are here, here together, in this holy

moment, and we’re grateful for the

winding road that brought us to this place


#1030 Siyahamba

Siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos’,

siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos’.

Siya hamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos’,

siya hamb’ ekukhanyen’ siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos.

Siyahamba, hamba, siyahamba, hamba,

siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos’.

Siyahamba, hamba, siyahamba, hamba,

siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos’.

We are marching in the light of God,

we are marching in the light of God.

We are marching in the light of God,

we are marching in the light of, the light of God.

We are marching, marching, we are marching, marching,

we are marching in the light of God.

We are marching, marching, we are marching, marching,

We are marching in the light of God.

Pack 493 Camping Song

Light up the campfire 

and toast up the s'mores.

Everyone enjoy 

the great outdoors, 

Doing our best in Pack 493

Light up the campfire 

and toast up the s'mores. 

Everyone enjoy 

the great outdoors, 

493 is the pack for me

Pitched all the tents 

Cooked up the food

Went on a hike 

Now we’re in the mood

For a campfire song 

Pack 493

Earning our badges

Duty to good 

Leaving no trace 

In the neighboring woods

Doing our best 

Pack 493

“Nice Dream” by Radiohead

They love me like I was a brother

They protect me, listen to me

They dug me my very own garden

Gave me sunshine, made me happy


Nice dream

Nice dream

Nice dream

I call up my friend, the good angel

But she's out with her answerphone

She said that she'd love to come help, but

The sea would electrocute us all


Now Come Home (x4)


“I Have A Voice” by Elana Arian

I will open my eyes (I will open my eyes)

I will not look away (I will not look away)

I will use this gift I’ve been given

Every day

I have a voice, my voice is powerful

My voice can chang the world (repeat)

Change the world

I will give of myself (I will give of myself)

I will reach out my hand (I will reach out my hand)

I will use this heart I’ve been given

To take a stand...

Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu

Melech haolam, she’asanu, she’asanu

B’tzelem Elohim

I will fight for the truth (I will fight for the truth)

I’ll stand up for what’s right (I’ll stand up for what’s right)

I will use this strength I’ve been given

To be a light

#1014 Answering the Call of Love

The promise of the Spirit:

faith, hope and love abide.

And so ev’ry soul

is blessed and made whole;

the truth in our hearts is our guide.

We are answering the call of love:

hands joined together as hearts beat as one.

Emboldened by faith, we dare to proclaim

we are answering the call of love.

Sometimes we build a barrier

to keep love tightly bound.

Corrupted by fear,

unwilling to hear,

denying the beauty we’ve found.

A bright new day is dawning

when love will not divide.

Reflections of grace

in ev’ry embrace,

fulfilling the vision divine.

Upcoming Events and Announcements

All event registrations and RSVPs can be found at uucr.org/register.

Questions? Contact us at communications@uucr.org.