New2UU Class
Greetings! Welcome to New2UU, a class both for those of you who are new to our congregation and are interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism broadly speaking and about its particular expression here in Rockville, and also for those who have been around a little while and have decided to deepen your commitment to UUCR by joining as members.
Generally, it is our hope that New2UU will provide you with:
An opportunity to share your story with others.
An opportunity to hear the stories of others in the congregation.
A broad introduction to Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist history, theology, and practice.
Information on how Unitarian Universalism is expressed specifically at UUCR.
The bonds of friendship, and companions for the journey…
Schedule (Winter 2025):
We will meet on alternating Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. (EST) February 13, February 27, and March 13; there is an optional Path to Membership session on Thursday, March 27 for those interested in joining the congregation.
90-minutes sessions on 3 Thursdays.
Session 1 - Groundwork: An initial encounter between participants and UUCR. Who is present? How will this work? What resources are needed to navigate this class, and this congregation, in the most meaningful way? Basically, we will orient ourselves by covering logistics, beginning to get to know one another, and setting expectations for our time together.
Session 2 - Our Spiritual Journeys: We will share who we’ve been, who we are, and who we aspire to be. If there's time, we will begin Session 3.
Session 3 - Unitarianism and Universalism: What do these mean? We will explore their histories and theologies, as we explore the foundations of how we came to be. As time allows, we will begin to discuss current expressions of Unitarian Universalism and what it means to be UU today.
One-on-ones: Following these three sessions, I will ask participants to schedule a concluding one-on-one meeting with me (optional but encouraged) to wrap-up and to provide space for discussing or exploring any topics of interest further.
Path to Membership (optional):
Unitarian Universalism and UUCR: With Guests (staff and/or lay leaders). This session is for those interested in joining UUCR as members, and anyone who wants to explore how they can be engaged in the life of the congregation. We will share about the governance, structure, and various programs and ministries at UUCR. Any congregants who have completed the New2UU series may participate in the Path to Membership and be invited to join the congregation as members.
We will meet in person at UUCR in Building 4, Room 44. A Zoom link will be available to all registrants for those preferring to participate virtually.
Children & Youth:
Childcare for children ages 0-11 is available for those who request it by February 6.
Youth ages 12-15 may participate in the class, as they wish, with a responsible registered adult, but are not eligible for membership at this time.
Youth ages 16 and up who wish to participate may participate as adults and are eligible for membership at UUCR.
Adrian Graham | | 240-454-0147
(You can also make an appointment to meet with me here:
If you are unable to participate this time, New2UU Classes and accompanying Path to Membership Sessions are held at least once every season on rotating days of the week and times of day in order to accommodate different scheduling needs. If you have very limited availability and would like to request an upcoming class meet your scheduling needs specifically, please contact Adrian directly.