Emerson's Evening Café: Sunset with Soul

Fridays at 7:00 p.m. 

Emerson’s Café provides adult members of UUCR an opportunity to explore spiritual, faith, and religious concepts through conversations. Topics are chosen each week in advance, and the conversations are meant to flow from the heart as well as the mind.


Our guide for a spiritual and spirited conversation:


1. Approach each other with a willingness to listen deeply and learn, acknowledge the limited perspectives of our own experiences and give value to all views by suspending judgement.

2. Be open to the possibilities of our own views changing and speak from the heart about our own experiences and beliefs.

3. Avoid one-on-one exchanges within this group setting.

4. Give other opportunities to speak.

5. Always hold personal, sensitive information as confidential to today’s conversation.

6. Work respectfully to resolve concerns directly with the parties involved. If an issue remains unresolved, to seek resolution through a minister, the Board of Trustees, or other appropriate UUCR channels.

7. Respect the personal boundaries of each person and be mindful of the importance that UUCR be a welcoming and safe place for all.

Want to join? Contact emersons@uucr.org for more information!